

Anorexia literally is loss of appetite and this can occur in anyone as a result of illness or especially during periods of stress.  However, when the condition becomes extreme Anorexia (or Anorexia Nervosa) is a serious mental illness where people are of extreme low weight due to limiting their energy intake. It can affect anyone of any age, gender, or background.

As well as restricting the amount of food eaten, people suffering from anorexia may do lots of exercise to get rid of any calories consumed.  The cause may be linked to body image: the way sufferers see themselves is often at odds with how others see them – they often have a distorted image of themselves, and think they’re larger than they really are. They have a deep fear of gaining weight, and will challenge the idea that they should. 

However, the behaviour associated with anorexia can also contribute to a feeling of control –  people felt they could control what they ate and their body weight when they didn’t feel they could control other aspects of their lives. There are many different reasons that someone might develop anorexia, but it’s important to remember that eating disorders are often not about food itself. They are mental illnesses, and treatment should address the underlying thoughts and feelings that cause the behaviour. 

If the imbalance is caused by an underlying fear or anxiety, not fitting in, not being good enough or loveable enough, an inability to enjoy life, a sense of disconnection from friends and community, an extreme sadness or grief, even frustration or anger directed at a person, place or thing, the result might be an overwhelming sense of needing to control.  

Five Elements Acupuncture can support a person struggling with Anorexia as like many illnesses which affect the body, the root cause is at the level of mind or spirit. Treating this imbalance will help restore a sense of value in the self, an appreciation of who they are and gratitude for what they have.  Through this the need to deprive themselves of essential and life giving food becomes replaced with a more balanced approach to life and well being.